For customer-specific requirements in thermal management, we develop function-integrated system solutions consisting of the entire VOSS portfolio together with our center for valve technology in Gründau. The integration of valves, lines, connection systems and manifolds into space-optimized, ready-to-install assemblies enables maximum performance with minimal assembly effort.
- Reliable and cost-efficient solutions for custom thermal management systems
- Low maintenance and installation space-optimized connection technology
- Pre-formed lines and routing
- Easily integrated sensors, manifolds and valves with in-house developed actuators
- Customized components and aggregates, e.g. pumps
- Through the highest level of system and component know-how in development, design and production, we offer our customers compact system solutions for optimum thermal management in the latest generation of vehicles.
- Reduction of single components and optimal utilization of installation space by combining different line sections
- Optimization of system pressure losses and thus the effectiveness of the pump through individually designed flow channel cross-sections
- Effective control of the different cooling circuits by implementable, VOSS own proportional valves
- Improved and reduced assembly behavior due to customized arrangement of the connection points
- Minimization of the CO2 balance due to the use of recycled material
- Cooling circuits in electric and hybrid vehicles
Our modules ensure maximum performance, range and battery life of electric and hybrid vehicles with minimal emissions.